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What is a small bump on a male cat's belly?
A small bump on a male cat's belly may be caused by one of the following reasons:
- Nipples
Male cats have nipples, usually six in total, arranged in two rows of three. They can be mistaken for a small bump on the belly.
- Belly button
Cats have belly buttons, but they don't have a hole or a knot. The smooth, flat scar tissue left behind after the umbilical cord is cut is the belly button. It is flat and smooth.
- Lipoma
If the bump is hard to touch and keeps growing, it may be a lipoma.观察两天,如果疙瘩没有变大或出现异常,可以暂时不管它. But if the bump continues to grow, timely surgical removal is necessary. To determine if it is benign or malignant, the lump must be sent for examination after removal.
- Hernia
If the bump is soft to touch, it may be a hernia caused by poor congenital development. There will be a hole in the abdominal wall, and fatty tissue or intestines in the abdominal cavity may protrude into the subcutaneous tissue. In some cases, pressing on the bump can push the contents back into the abdominal cavity. If this is the case, surgery can be performed to sew up the hole and prevent further leakage of the contents.
If you notice any abnormalities such as increased size or redness of the small bump on your male cat's belly, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible for examination and treatment.