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Are mixed breed Labradors intelligent?
Mixed breed Labradors are also quite intelligent, ranking in the top ten among all dog breeds. They are obedient, gentle, and smart, making them easy to tame. Generally, after the owner teaches them 3-4 times, they can learn the prescribed actions. They can also be trained as drug-sniffing dogs or guide dogs, with strong memory skills, making them very suitable for domestic life.
Features of Mixed Breed Labradors
It depends on what breed they are mixed with, as different breeds will have different appearances. If mixed with a smaller breed, they might inherit the Labrador's size or have a mid-sized body. The hair and color may be inherited from the Labrador or another breed, with many possibilities. They might not look like their parents. If mixed with dogs of the same size, such as Samoyeds or Golden Retrievers, they can look quite good.
What happens if a Labrador is not purebred?
Being a mixed breed only means that they are slightly cheaper in price, but otherwise, there is not much difference from purebred dogs. With proper training and education from their owners, they can be just as outstanding and intelligent. Therefore, owners should not have any prejudices against mixed breed Labradors and should treat them normally. They will repay their owners with loyalty and companionship.
How to tell if a Labrador is purebred or not?
You can judge the purity of a Labrador dog by its appearance. A purebred Labrador has a wide head, slightly protruding eyebrows, no extra flesh on the cheeks, drooping ears that are medium in size, a wide nose, and eyes that are neither protruding nor sunken. Their hair is straight, short, and dense, and their body length is slightly longer than their shoulder height. Additionally, if the kennel can provide certificates of the parents' pedigree and the dog's birth certificate, it can also prove that the Labrador dog is essentially a purebred.