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Bichon Frise Teething Period

Bichon Frises usually begin teething between 3 and 4 months old. The exact timing depends on the dog's nutrition status. During the teething period, Bichon Frises may experience gum itching, which can be relieved by providing them with bone or silicone chew toys. This not only helps alleviate the itching but also promotes the eruption of new teeth. If the dog experiences discomfort during teething, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian at a reputable pet hospital.

Teething Timing

Bichon Frises generally start growing teeth between 22 and 30 days, and by 2 months, the deciduous teeth have mostly erupted. However, when the dog reaches 3 to 4 months old, the deciduous teeth fall out, and permanent teeth grow in their place. The entire process usually takes around 7 to 8 months. These permanent teeth will last throughout the dog's life, typically without needing replacement.

Symptoms of Teething

During the teething period, Bichon Frises may exhibit symptoms such as gum itching, swelling, and redness. They may also have a tendency to bite onto hard objects to alleviate discomfort. As the teeth grow, the dog may develop bad breath, drooling, and limited chewing abilities. Increased bacterial growth in the mouth during teething can cause these symptoms. However, these are all normal phenomena and usually do not require medication.

Teething Care Tips

During the teething period, provide Bichon Frises with chew toys, such as dog bone or chew sticks. Adjust the diet, primarily feeding dog food and including calcium-rich foods like beef and bones to supplement the dog's calcium needs. Maintain good oral hygiene by cleaning the dog's teeth after meals to prevent bacterial proliferation. If the dog experiences oral discomfort, consult a veterinarian promptly.