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Black knot growing on cat's nose

A black knot growing on a cat's nose could be just food residue, or it could be a scab from a wound or an infection with ringworm or other skin diseases. In this case, the owner can gently wipe the black knot. If it can be wiped off, it's probably just ordinary pollutants and can be cleaned up. If the knot is a black scab formed during the healing process of a wound, it's not a big deal – just wait for the scab to fall off by itself. However, if the knot cannot be wiped off, gets bigger or becomes more prominent, it could be ringworm. In this case, the owner is advised to take the cat to the pet hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

  1. Food residue

If the cat's usual food is oily and the oil contaminates its nose, and the owner doesn't clean it up in time, the oil can eventually form black scabs. In this case, the owner can use wet tissues or warm towels to wipe the cat's nose. If the black knot can be wiped off, it's not a big problem – just pay attention to the cat's cleaning habits in the future.

  1. Scab from a wound

If there is a wound on the cat's nose, a dark red scab will form during the wound healing process. In this case, the scab will usually fall off naturally. The owner can use iodine to disinfect the wound and let the black scab heal naturally. Once the wound has healed, the scab will fall off by itself.

  1. Ringworm

If the black knot on the cat's nose can't be wiped off and gets bigger, and the cat also shows symptoms such as hair loss and red skin around the nose, the cat may have contracted ringworm or other skin diseases. In this case, it is advised that the owner take the cat to the pet hospital for a skin examination, and then treat the disease according to the examination results.