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Can a young cat recover from diarrhea itself?
Diarrhea in young cats cannot be self-healed. The organ systems of young cats have not fully developed, and they cannot recover by themselves. When owners discover that their cats have diarrhea, they should observe and record related symptoms to help diagnose the cause of the diarrhea and treat it accordingly, thus alleviating the condition of the cat's diarrhea.
- Dietary issues
Young cats have fragile stomachs. Overfeeding snacks, feeding spoiled food, or giving fatty canned food can easily lead to stomach discomfort and diarrhea. In this case, cats can be given diarrhea medication and probiotics to adjust their diet, and they will soon recover.
- Intestinal damage
If the cat's feces show a blood-like substance, it may be due to intestinal damage, possibly caused by parasites. It is necessary to take the cat to the pet hospital for a fecal examination, and after a confirmed diagnosis, targeted medication can be administered to gradually alleviate the diarrhea. It is also recommended that owners regularly deworm their cats to prevent the occurrence of parasites.
- Environmental factors
If there are significant temperature changes in the environment, it can cause the cat to catch a cold and develop diarrhea. Owners need to provide appropriate warmth for their cats.
- Virus infection, such as feline distemper, can cause fever, depression, anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea. Therefore, when owners discover that their cats have diarrhea, they must take them to the pet hospital for related checks to ensure the cat's life and health.
In addition, it is necessary to record the frequency of the cat's diarrhea, the shape of the feces, weight changes, and appetite changes. If the condition persists for more than a week and adjustments to the diet are ineffective, the cat should be taken to the pet hospital for fecal examination and other clinical tests.