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Canine Distemper Self-Help Methods

When a dog contracts canine distemper, monoclonal antibodies against canine distemper virus can be used to inhibit virus reproduction. At the same time, antibiotics such as amoxicillin and doxycycline can be administered orally to prevent secondary bacterial infections. symptomatic treatment is also necessary. If the dog has a high fever, it needs to be injected with a fever-reducing needle. If vomiting and diarrhea occur, oral anti-vomiting and anti-diarrhea drugs should be given to the dog. It is important to replenish the body's water and nutrients to prevent severe dehydration.

Canine distemper is a serious and highly contagious disease, with a high mortality rate. General treatment methods can be divided into five steps:

  1. Biological preparations, such as interferon and leukocyte interferon.
  2. Antibiotics, such as streptomycin and penicillin.
  3. Antiviral drugs, such as virus-x.
  4. Supplying nutrition, such as vitamins, nutritional supplements, and glucose.
  5. Pay attention to warmth and fasting.

It is generally not recommended for owners to treat and use drugs at home because distemper is a highly infectious and deadly disease that threatens a dog's life. The course of the disease varies, and if a dog does not receive timely treatment, the prognosis is usually poor or death.

How to disinfect a dog with distemper:

Distemper virus transmission is unique, mainly through the respiratory tract. Therefore, in addition to spraying the environment and surface of items with pet-specific disinfectant water, UV disinfection vehicle disinfection is also required. UV disinfection vehicles are harmful to the eyes of animals, so it is necessary to comb related personnel or animals in time. Finally, it is recommended not to feed new animals for half a year to avoid infection.

Signs of improvement in distemper:

Usually, the improvement of distemper virus symptoms includes减轻 respiratory symptoms, reduced eye and nose secretions, and decreased frequency of coughing. In addition, the dog's temperature gradually returns to normal, no longer showing increased temperature, and mental and appetite recovery. Since the neurological symptoms of distemper virus have a certain incubation period, seizures may occur after the dog has recovered. If a dog has seizures, it is recommended to consult a pet doctor in time and use antiepileptic drugs for treatment.