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Cat is anxious and keeps meowing

There are many reasons why a cat becomes anxious and meows constantly. First, consider hormonal changes caused by internal factors, mainly sexual maturity, especially when there is attraction from the opposite sex. If not for breeding purposes, it is recommended to have the cat spayed or neutered in a timely manner. Secondly, pain can be a factor, such as bone problems or urinary system diseases. Among them, urinary system diseases mainly include urinary tract obstructions, which cause cats to frequent the litter box.

Why do cats meow during heat?

When a cat is in heat, it meows, licks objects, rolls around, and wants to go outside to attract the opposite sex. These are normal physiological responses of cats. Not being able to mate during the heat period is very painful for the cat and harmful to its health. Female cats are particularly susceptible, and long-term exposure can lead to uterine pyometra and even life-threatening infections. Therefore, owners should take their cats to the pet hospital for spaying or neutering.

Symptoms of cat heat

Symptoms of a cat in heat include:

  1. Male cats will urinate randomly everywhere after going into heat, rarely using the litter box. They may also display mating positions by mounting other cats.
  2. Female cats become excited and wander around after going into heat. Their appetite decreases or they may stop eating altogether. They become more affectionate and actively approach male cats, frequently assuming mating positions.
  3. The female cat's vulva swells and clear fluid flows out.

What to do when a cat is in heat

Cats usually become sexually mature at around eight months and have the desire to mate. After a cat goes into heat, make sure to close all windows and doors to prevent the cat from going outside to look for a mate and from jumping off balconies, which can result in severe consequences. If you don't want the cat to have kittens, take it to the pet hospital as soon as possible for spaying or neutering.