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Do cat ear mites spread to other cats?
Yes, they can spread. Because ear mites have a high infectivity between cats and dogs, mainly transmitted through close contact, if one cat or dog in the house is infected with ear mites, all cats and dogs need to start treatment simultaneously. Although dogs and cats of any age can be infected, young animals are more susceptible. Cats are more susceptible to infection than dogs.
What are cat ear mites?
Ear mites are a common external parasite of cats. Infected cats show symptoms of black-brown dry earwax filling the external ear canal and a strong itch. The life cycle of ear mites is 21 days. Main treatment methods include topical selenium sulfide-containing external parasite drugs or topical ivermectin drops in the ear, once every 1-2 weeks for 3-5 consecutive doses. When there is a lot of earwax, it is better to clean the ear canal first before using the drug.
Symptoms of cat ear mites
In the early stages of the disease, there is a yellow-brown earwax in the ear canal, feeling dirty inside the ear, but the smell is not heavy. About 14 days after the onset of the disease, there are crusts in the ear canal, extreme itchiness, constant head shaking, restlessness, scratching the ears, and visible scratch marks on the ear flaps. Severely affected cats may become malnourished, have dark brown pus flowing from the ear, unpleasant smell, more frequent scratching of the ears, intermittent seizures, occasionally circular movements, instability while standing, frequent falls, poor eye stability, decreased mental status, and significant loss of appetite.
What to do if your cat has ear mites
When a cat has ear mites, it usually causes a relatively large amount of black-brown earwax in the cat's ear canal, leading to inflammation of the cat's ear canal and severe bacterial infections. This causes intense itching in the cat's ear canal, leading to frequent scratching and ulceration of the cat's outer ear. If a cat is diagnosed with ear mites, it is recommended to use drugs containing selenium sulfide or pyriproxyfen and moxidectin for treatment in a timely manner.