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Can a cat suffer internal injuries if it falls from the third floor?

If your cat has fallen and injured itself, place the cat on the ground to assess its ability to walk normally, observe its breathing, and check for limping in both the front and hind limbs以及the cat's mental state. If the fall was from a low place, you can first observe it. If the fall was from a high place, it is recommended to go to a nearby pet hospital for an X-ray to check the condition of the skeleton, and perform a biochemical examination to see if the liver and kidney等organs have been injured.

Is there anything wrong if a cat falls from the third floor?

A cat falling from the third floor may suffer from internal injuries, fractures, trauma, and bleeding. The owner should take the cat to a pet hospital promptly and cooperate with the doctor to take X-rays or perform corresponding examinations. If the cat does not show signs of bleeding or fractures, the owner should observe the cat later to see if there are any abnormalities. If the cat vomits or shows signs of discomfort, take it to the hospital immediately.

Cat fall injury symptoms

After a cat falls, you should check the severity of the injury. Minor injuries may not be easily noticed by the owner. At first, the cat may appear unstable when walking, but it will recover after a while. This is a minor injury. If the fall is severe and the bones are injured, the cat may refuse to walk for a long time or walk摇摇晃晃.

Cat fall injury treatment

The treatment for a cat's fall injury depends on the degree of the injury. If the cat has a simple fall with no bone or ligament damage, but only muscle strain, it just needs pain relief and anti-inflammatory treatment, followed by limiting movement, and it can basically recover. If the cat has a severe fall and the bones are dislocated or broken, it requires orthopedic surgery at an orthopedic hospital. The specific treatment plan still needs to be determined by the hospital, and targeted treatment should be given according to the cat's condition.