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Cat's front leg broken

After the cat's front leg is broken, do not move the leg carelessly. Hold the back or abdomen steadily and take the cat to the pet hospital for inspection and treatment. If it is a fracture, internal fixation or external fixation can be used to fix the broken bone. During the treatment, appropriate nutrition can be supplemented to speed up the healing process. The cat should not be allowed to move freely during the treatment and for a certain period after the wound has healed.

Causes of atrophy after front leg fracture

If a cat's front shoulder leg is fractured and not treated in time, muscle atrophy may occur. This is mainly because the cat no longer uses the fractured front leg after the fracture, and after a long period of inactivity, the muscle will atrophy. In this case, consider first checking and treating the cat's front leg bone, then stimulating the muscle with acupuncture or massaging the cat to alleviate the symptoms of muscle atrophy.

How long does it take for the front leg to heal after breaking?

The recovery time for a cat's front limb fracture usually ranges from two to three months. If it is confirmed that the cat has a fracture, it is recommended to take the cat to the pet hospital for X-ray examination of the fracture site, and choose an appropriate fracture fixation plan and timely surgical treatment according to the degree of injury. Avoid drug treatment to prevent abnormal healing of the bones.

Late care after front leg fracture

After internal fixation repair, in addition to controlling the cat's exercise and adjusting diet, wound care is also needed. Disinfect the wound daily with iodine alcohol, etc., prevent the cat from licking the wound to avoid infection, and remove the fixation materials after the surgical procedure. For external fixation repair, there is no wound, but activity limitation, diet adjustment, and regular observation of whether the fixation materials are too tight or too loose are required. Follow the doctor's advice and remove the outer packaging on time.