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What are the signs that a cat is about to give birth?

Cats will show many obvious signs before giving birth, such as being irritable, losing appetite, having a decrease in body temperature of 1-2 degrees, and some cats may hide in corners. Then they will have shortened breaths, be restless, and if there is fluid flowing from the cat's vagina, it means the cat is about to give birth. However, try not to interfere too much during the process, and if there are difficulties in giving birth, seek timely medical treatment at the hospital.

Cat labor signs

Usually, before giving birth, a cat's body temperature will be lower than normal by more than 1 degree, the concentration of pregnancy hormones will suddenly decrease, there will be behavioral changes related to preparing a nest, and the abdomen will tighten or there will be cysts in the vulva, indicating that the little life is about to arrive. The gestation period for cats is usually 62.5 days after mating. It is recommended to prepare a quiet, undisturbed, and dimly lit birthing room for the expectant cat, with a soft pad on the bottom to keep the kittens warm and prevent them from being crushed by the mother, and to leave an exit for the mother to come and go.

How long after the amniotic fluid breaks does a cat give birth to kittens?

About 30 minutes after the amniotic fluid breaks, a cat will begin to give birth, and the interval between the birth of each kitten is usually about 15-20 minutes. If a cat experiences difficulties during labor or the owner suspects that the cat has not given birth completely, it is recommended to take the cat to a pet hospital for inspection promptly, and if necessary, perform a caesarean section.

How long does it take for a cat to give birth?

The duration of a cat's labor is mainly affected by the cat's physical condition, whether it is a first-time mother, and the number of pregnant cats. Providing a quiet environment before the cat gives birth can help it deliver the kittens smoothly. Generally, a cat's labor lasts 2-3 hours. Sometimes, if the fetus is too large, the labor time may be extended. Observe the cat closely and seek timely medical attention if difficulties arise to avoid complications.