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What's going on when a cat has loose stools with blood?
First, it's essential to determine the cause of loose stools with blood in cats. Firstly, internal parasite infestation. Consider whether you regularly deworm your cat. If not, give your cat deworming medication and then add probiotics to regulate the intestinal flora. Secondly, feline distemper. Check if your cat has been vaccinated. If not, observe if your cat has persistent vomiting, inflammatory secretions from the mouth, nose, and eyes. If so, take your cat to the vet for testing and diagnosis, followed by symptomatic treatment.
Normal cat stools
Normal cat stools are usually granular and striped, with a dark brown color, which indicates good health. A normal frequency of defecation is once a day to twice a day. Sometimes, kittens may have two bowel movements a day or even more, which is normal as long as the stools are formed. If the stools are a bit soft, you can feed your cat probiotics to regulate it.
Loose stools with blood in cats
Possible causes of loose stools with blood in cats include acute gastroenteritis, coccidia infection, and trichomoniasis. When a cat has loose stools and blood, pay attention to its diet and mental state. If there are abnormalities or incomplete immunization history, take the cat to the pet hospital for infectious disease, parasite, and complete blood count tests. Treat the cat according to the test results, and simultaneously feed it pet-specific probiotics to regulate the intestines.
What to do if a cat has loose stools with blood
It is recommended to go to the hospital for inspection and treatment. In terms of diet, excessive feeding and accidental consumption of indigestible foods can cause diarrhea, loose stools, and blood. It is advised to feed the cat with easily digestible and high-nutrition foods, such as rice soup, milk cake, and nutritional paste.同时,给猫咪服用益生菌止泻。寄生虫:猫咪拉软便的现象也有可能是肠道寄生虫侵扰导致的,可以带猫咪去宠物医院进行便检,服用体内驱虫。肠胃炎:猫咪得了肠胃炎之后也是会导致猫咪出现软便的现象的,可以先给猫咪服用益生菌,调理肠胃和消化道,改善猫咪软便的现象。