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Is it normal for a cat to poop twice a day?
It is normal for a cat to poop twice a day. This is related to the cat's daily life and feeding management. If the cat usually eats a lot and is active, it is entirely possible for the cat to poop twice. As long as there are no abnormalities in the cat's feces, the owner does not need to worry too much. If the cat's stool is in a liquid state, the owner should pay attention. In daily life, feed the cat on time and encourage moderate exercise.
How many times does a cat poop normally in a day?
If a healthy cat does not have vomiting or diarrhea, and its stool volume and shape are normal, pooping once or twice a day, or even once every two days, is considered normal. For kittens, bowel movements may be more frequent, with possible stools from two to three or five times a day, as long as there is no soft stool or diarrhea, it is considered normal.
What to do if a cat is constipated?
If you find that your cat has constipation symptoms, take it to the vet for an examination. The cat may need artificial assistance to defecate through enemas or injections of tranquilizers. If the constipation is severe and lasts for a long time, it may require tranquilization or general anesthesia to clean the intestines and promote defecation. You can also give the cat medication as directed by the vet. In cases where constipation is not severe, you can add mashed pumpkin or cream pumpkin to the cat's food to increase fiber intake.
What to do if a cat's poop is abnormal?
Soft stools in a cat may be due to poor digestion. It is recommended to give the cat probiotics to regulate its gut function. If probiotics are ineffective, oral gentamicin can be chosen for treatment. If none of the above treatments work, it is possible that the cat's small intestinal villi are damaged. In this case, the only solution is to supplement nutrients to promote the growth of the small intestinal villi and help restore normal intestinal function.