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Cat refuses to eat, loses weight rapidly

A cat that refuses to eat and loses weight rapidly may be suffering from hairball syndrome, parasite infection, enteritis, or feline distemper, among other causes. To determine the exact reason, a clinical examination is necessary. Therefore, when a cat exhibits this behavior, the owner should observe if there are any other abnormalities and take the cat to the pet hospital for inspection and treatment promptly. In daily care, owners should also vaccinate and deworm their cats in a timely manner.

  1. Enteritis

If a cat usually eats too much, stays hungry for a long time, or consumes expired or spoiled food, it can easily develop enteritis. This condition can lead to lethargy, reduced appetite, soft stools, diarrhea, vomiting, and even bloody stools in severe cases. If left untreated, the cat will lose weight rapidly. Treatment usually involves using anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrheal drugs, along with specific treatment based on the cause.

  1. Feline Distemper

If a cat is young and hasn't been vaccinated, it may be infected with the feline distemper virus. This is a highly contagious disease in cats, and symptoms usually include lethargy, loss of appetite, sleepiness, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. If these symptoms are noticed, it is recommended to have the cat tested for the feline distemper virus. If the diagnosis is confirmed, prompt fluid therapy is necessary.

  1. Parasite Infection

If a cat hasn't been dewormed for a long time, it may develop a parasite infection, which can cause decreased appetite, lethargy, and rapid weight loss. Owners can check their cat's feces for signs of parasites; if found, it's necessary to deworm the cat promptly.

  1. Hairball Syndrome

Cats are clean animals and often lick their fur to keep themselves tidy. This can lead to swallowing hair, which accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract. If the hairball isn't passed naturally, the cat will experience discomfort, lethargy, reduced appetite, weight loss, and persistent vomiting. In this case, owners should feed their cats an appropriate amount of hairball remedy or catnip to help them pass the hairballs.