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Cat Shivering and Refusing to Eat
Cat Shivering and Refusing to Eat: Possible Causes
A cat shivering and refusing to eat may be sick or feeling too cold. If moving the cat to a warmer location doesn't help, it's likely that the cat is sick. It's recommended to take the cat to the vet to find out what's causing the problem. If it's a feline distemper virus infection, treating it early is crucial, as the cure rate is low in the later stages.
Why Did Your Cat Suddenly Stop Eating?
The most common reason for a sudden loss of appetite in cats is illness, such as gastrointestinal diseases like gastritis and enteritis, or infectious diseases like feline distemper and herpes virus. If your cat stops eating, it's essential to take it to the animal hospital for examination and treatment promptly. Prolonged lack of appetite can lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and weight loss in cats.
What to Do If Your Cat Shivers and Refuses to Eat
If your cat refuses to eat, first check if it's due to a new environment and stress response, causing it to lose appetite. Observe for any other symptoms, and if there are none (no vomiting or diarrhea, good mental state), you can monitor it. If your cat hasn't eaten for more than two days, take it to the pet hospital as soon as possible for diagnosis. Three days of fasting may cause liver issues in cats.
How to Care for a Cat Shivering and Refusing to Eat
If your cat is shivering due to cold stimulation, take immediate measures to keep it warm, such as dressing it up and adding insulation to its nest. If the shivering is caused by fear or stress, Console your cat and distract its attention with other things. If the shivering is due to pain, consider giving your cat appropriate pain relief, such as administering painkillers or using toys to divert its attention.