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Cat's tail standing upright

Cat's tail standing upright may be caused by various reasons such as being affectionate to the owner, being scared, in heat, or having a disease. If the tail stands upright due to being affectionate to the owner, being scared, or in heat, it is a normal physiological phenomenon and there is generally no need to worry too much. If the abnormal tail standing upright is accompanied by other physical discomfort, such as listlessness and overall weakness, it indicates that the body has other diseases. It is recommended that the owner take the cat to a regular pet hospital in time to seek medical advice and adopt targeted treatment measures after identifying the cause.

  1. Being affectionate to the owner

Usually, a cat's tail hangs down. When the tail stands upright, it means the cat feels comfortable in the surrounding environment and is being affectionate to the owner. At this time, the owner can stroke the cat's head or body, which is a normal phenomenon and generally does not require special treatment.

  1. Being scared

If a cat is scared, it will exhibit fear and aggression, and raise its tail to be on guard. When the owner is seen, the cat will feel secure, and the raised tail will gradually lower and return to normal.

  1. In heat

During a cat's heat, the tail will stand upright actively, then stick out its buttocks, making it prone to approach male cats and being sensitive to other cats approaching. After the heat period passes, the position of the tail will return to the normal range. At this time, the owner needs to mate the cat promptly to alleviate the physical discomfort caused by the heat and satisfy the physiological needs of the cat's body.

  1. Having a disease

If a cat has a disease, it may experience pain and possibly raise its tail to attract the owner's attention. It is recommended that the owner take the cat to the hospital for treatment in time, otherwise, it may affect the cat's recovery.