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Do cat urinary tract infections have anything to do with the kidneys?

Cat urinary tract infections may be related to the kidneys. In addition, cat litter box contamination can lead to bacterial infections, urethral stones, urethral tumors, urethral obstructions, trauma, and other causes of urinary tract infections. Cats may show symptoms such as decreased appetite, pain, frequent urination, dribbling urine, urinary retention, hematuria, and even bladder swelling, bladder rupture, peritonitis, and uremia in severe cases. Active treatment should be coordinated after the onset of the disease to prevent secondary infections.

Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms

When a cat has a urinary tract infection, it may exhibit persistent and frequent visits to the litter box but only be able to pass a small amount of urine or even none at all. The cat may experience difficulty and pain during urination, sometimes even emitting screams. The urine may contain blood, and the cat will often lick around its anus and genitals. Some cats may also show signs of vomiting, lethargy, and decreased appetite.

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment Protocol

The treatment protocol usually consists of intravenous fluids, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and symptomatic treatment. It is necessary to determine whether the urinary tract infection has caused urethral obstruction. If the obstruction is present, it must be immediately cleared, and the nature of the obstruction determined. Nutritional support or other methods should be used to prevent recurrence of the urinary tract infection. The treatment of urinary tract infections generally requires about a week of intravenous fluid therapy. After recovery, it is recommended to increase the cat's water intake, follow a scientific diet, reduce stress, and lose weight to prevent urinary tract infections.

Preventing Urinary Tract Infections

Here are some ways to prevent cats from developing urinary tract infections: encourage the cat to drink more water daily to timely flush inflammatory substances from the urinary tract. This can be achieved by offering running water to drink, increasing the size of the water bowl, and feeding wet food. Feed prescription diet for the urinary tract, which can prevent the formation of stones and help regain health.