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What should I do if my cat only vomits and has no diarrhea?

If your cat is constantly vomiting and experiencing abnormal bowel movements, you should first suspect whether your cat is experiencing a blockage. If your cat is in a shedding period and shedding a lot of hair, and has a long-term habit of licking its fur, this can cause hairballs, which can lead to vomiting or constipation. Another possibility is that your cat haslicked some linear objects, causing linear obstruction.

Cat vomits but has no diarrhea

If your cat experiences frequent vomiting without diarrhea, it may be caused by the following reasons: First, gastrointestinal foreign objects cause obstruction due to inability to digest, leading to vomiting. Second, triaditis, including cholangitis, pancreatitis, and enteritis, can also cause vomiting in cats, along with secondary fatty liver. It is recommended to diagnose the cause of the disease in time and treat with anti-vomiting drugs.

Symptoms of cat intestinal obstruction

Symptoms of cat intestinal obstruction may include:

  1. Loss of appetite or even refusal to eat, as the intestinal obstruction causes inability to defecate, leading to accumulation of waste in the intestine, making the cat unwilling to eat more for fear of making the obstruction worse.
  2. Vomiting, which occurs when the intestinal obstruction causes vomiting in cats, especially during meals.
  3. Difficulty in defecation or even absence of defecation. Touching the intestine will reveal hard objects such as fecal balls.

What to do if your cat has an intestinal blockage

As the cause of intestinal obstruction cannot be determined by appearance, it is recommended that owners take their cats to the hospital for X-ray examination to determine the cause of the obstruction and then treat it.

  1. If the intestinal obstruction is caused by improper diet, owners should feed their cats appropriately with probiotics and laxative drugs or use enemas to clear the intestines.
  2. If the intestinal obstruction is caused by foreign objects such as socks, large bones, and tumors, cats need to be taken to the hospital for surgical treatment.
  3. If the obstruction is caused by intrinsic problems of the intestine, surgical treatment is also necessary.