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What medicine to use for cat wounds that are infected with pus

Cat Wound Infection

When a cat's wound becomes infected with pus, it is recommended that the owner feed the cat some antibiotics to prevent further infection. It is advised to disinfect the cat's wound in a timely manner when wounds appear on the cat's body. If the cat's wound is only superficially infected with pus, the owner can clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide and normal saline. If the wound is infected with pus in the muscle layer, it is better to take the cat to the pet hospital for treatment. If the wound is deep, it is necessary to consider whether it has affected organ tissues and bones, and also to consider anaerobic bacterial infections.

What Causes Cat Wounds to become Infected with Pus?

Cat wounds infected with pus may be due to bacterial infections in the wound or the presence of sutures and other foreign objects stimulating the wound, causing the body to produce a rejection response and subsequently causing local tissue inflammation. If there are risks of sutures and other foreign objects in the cat's wound, it is advised to take the cat to the pet hospital to clean the affected area and rinse the wound, while using antibiotic drugs to control the infection.

Can Cat Wounds Infected with Pus Heal Themselves?

Cat wounds infected with pus cannot heal themselves. When a cat has a wound, it is necessary to handle it in a timely manner or it may become increasingly severe. If the cat's wound is severely infected with pus and has developed sepsis, it is necessary to consult a pet doctor for symptomatic treatment.

What Should Be注意的是cat Wounds Infected with Pus?

When a cat's wound is infected with pus, it is necessary to regularly clean, disinfect, and change dressings for the affected area, and keep the area clean and dry to prevent secondary infection.

If the wound can be licked by the cat, it is necessary to attach an Elizabethan collar to the cat to prevent the cat from licking the wound and exacerbating the infection.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the cat's nutrition. The healing speed of the cat's wound is related to the cat's immune system. Feeding the cat nutrient-rich food can strengthen the cat's constitution and accelerate the wound healing process.