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Dog with lumps and crusts on the body

Dog with lumps and crusts on the body, mainly consider these reasons: First, bacterial or fungal skin diseases caused by infection, besides the formation of lumps, there are symptoms such as itching and hair loss, which need medical treatment. Second, the lumps caused by allergies occur more quickly and widely, and timely desensitization treatment should be done. Third, parasites or mosquito bites can also cause dog lumps, and usually detectable on the skin or hair are worm bodies or eggs. Fourth, if the dog's skin condition is normal and there are no aforementioned symptoms, it could be considered as crusts during the wound healing, which can fall off by itself. Lastly, elderly dogs with lumps should also consider the possibility of tumors.

  1. Infectious skin diseases

When dogs are infected with fungi or bacteria, skin metabolism problems occur, leading to severe keratinization, resulting in red lumps and crusts, accompanied by itching and other symptoms. In the early stage of fungal infection, a small number of raised papules will be presented. It is recommended for owners to take their dogs to the pet hospital for scraping film examination, fungal culture, and Wood's lamp examination to determine the targeted treatment for the specific skin disease.

  1. Allergy

The appearance of lumps and crusts on a dog's body may also be caused by allergies. Compared to other skin diseases, allergies usually manifest more quickly and widely. The dog might bite its own skin, presenting with multiple papules, and the lesions are usually oval, locally red, and sometimes with a large amount of skin scales. In this case, the owner should immediately take the dog to the hospital for desensitization treatment, such as administering allergy shots or taking desensitizing drugs, and promptly identify and remove the allergen.

  1. Parasites or mosquito bites

After a dog is bitten by mosquitoes, it will develop some red lumps on its body. The dog might scratch itself continuously due to itching. If the bite area is small, the owner can disinfect the dog with iodine or alcohol. If the area is large, immediate medical attention is required.

Additionally, parasites such as fleas can also cause dog lumps and crusts. In this case, active fleas can be seen on the dog's skin, and flea excrement can be found at the root of the hair. It is urgent to apply an external parasite prevention drop on the dog.

  1. Trauma

Fights between dogs or scraping can easily cause skin injuries, and crusts will form during the wound healing process. If the owner finds that the dog's wound has pus oozing out, it is necessary to squeeze out the pus in a timely manner. After consulting the doctor, apply an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointment for treatment.

Note: Elderly dogs should also consider the possibility of tumors, such as mast cell tumors. If this is the case, it is recommended to take the dog to the hospital for a doctor to assess the condition to avoid delaying the best treatment opportunity.