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Dog Stomach Ulcer Symptoms

The main symptoms of dog stomach ulcers are: lethargy, decreased appetite or even anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, vomiting or passing blood in stool, soft stool, sometimes with dark stool and a foul smell. Additionally, the disease causes severe and painful abdominal pain, and when touching the stomach, the dog will have a significant pain response. In some cases, dogs even bite people. Furthermore, ulcers can be accompanied by serious complications such as peritonitis and gastrointestinal bleeding.

  1. How to Check for Dog Stomach Ulcers

Dog stomach ulcers can be detected through a barium meal examination. If the dog has a stomach ulcer, the barium meal swallowed will adhere to the stomach mucosa, indicating a stomach ulcer.

  1. What Drugs to Take for Dog Stomach Ulcers

Dog stomach ulcers require medications that protect the stomach mucosa and suppress gastric acid secretion. The stomach mucosa protector can be represented by drugs containing sucralfate, and gastric acid suppressors can be represented by drugs containing omeprazole and famotidine. In addition to medication, dietary adjustments are also necessary. It is recommended not to feed dogs with raw, cold, or hard food, and to feed easily digestible dog food.

  1. How to Treat Dog Stomach Ulcers?

The treatment principles for dog stomach ulcers include balancing stomach pH, reducing stimulation, suppressing gastric acid secretion, and symptomatic treatment. If the dog has symptoms such as vomiting and passing blood in stool, hemorrhage control measures need to be taken. Here are some recommended measures:

First: Give the dog warm soap water enemas to replenish water, and adjust the gastric acidity.

Second: For a certain period of time, do not feed the dog stimulating or indigestible foods such as meat and bones.

Third: Feed the dog white flour paste, add some egg whites and yolks, and avoid foods that are too salty. Eat small meals frequently to both meet nutritional needs and alleviate gastrointestinal stress. After a period of time, there may be significant improvement.