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Can I not vaccinate my dog?

No. First: If young dogs do not receive vaccinations, they are likely to contract infectious diseases, especially distemper and parvovirus, which are life-threatening. Therefore, it is not recommended to not vaccinate your dog. Second: In addition to vaccines to prevent infectious diseases, there is also the rabies vaccine. If a dog has not been vaccinated against rabies and bites someone or is bitten by another dog, it is very concerning. Therefore, vaccination is necessary.

Is the vaccine effective if my dog gets a cold after being vaccinated?

Getting a cold after vaccination will not affect the effectiveness of the vaccine. During the immune period, a dog's resistance is lower than usual, making it easier to become sick. It is also more susceptible to infectious diseases during the incubation period. Therefore, vaccines must be administered when the dog is completely healthy. The antibody level after vaccination is related to the vaccine quality, injection site, and the dog's body, which is known as individual differences. It is recommended to perform an antibody test after completing the vaccine procedure to ensure the success of the vaccination.

What are the symptoms of distemper in dogs?

The clinical symptoms of distemper include coughing, sneezing, running nose, increased eye secretions, repeated fever, and red conjunctiva. In later stages, neurological symptoms such as seizures, limb weakness, and poor appetite may occur. The course of distemper is long, lasting up to one month or even longer in some cases. It is a severe infectious disease, especially susceptible to young dogs with weak resistance and those not vaccinated. If the disease is discovered, try to avoid contact with other pets.

What should I do if my dog has distemper?

The best treatment for distemper in dogs is through intravenous therapy. The clinical symptoms of distemper include coughing, sneezing, running nose, excessive eye secretions, and fever. In severe cases, neurological symptoms such as seizures may occur. This disease is particularly harmful to unvaccinated dogs and young dogs with low resistance, with a high mortality rate. The duration of the disease is long, lasting up to two months or even longer in some cases. Currently, prevention of this disease mainly relies on vaccination.