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Do German cats shed?
German cats usually shed. In normal cases, any cat will experience shedding, and German cats have shorter hair that is curly. They shed every day, but the shedding is not particularly severe. After the hair falls off, the hair follicles will grow new hair. This usually does not lead to thinning hair or increase the risk of skin diseases. However, during the shedding period, it is necessary to brush the cat's hair daily, which promotes hair loss.
- Why do German cats shed?
If a German cat is mildly shedding, it may be due to an unreasonable bathing method and seasonal shedding, which is a normal phenomenon and usually does not require special treatment. If the shedding is abnormal, it indicates that the cat's body lacks nutrition, causing the hair follicles to atrophy and shed hair. This will also affect the normal growth of the hair follicles. You need to supplement nutrition in time, eat high-value foods such as cat cans and cat food, which can replenish nutrition and improve hair loss.
- What are the symptoms of German cat shedding?
German cat shedding may cause local skin damage, itching, and redness. The cat may also often use its claws to scratch the uncomfortable areas to relieve the discomfort. If the symptoms continue to improve, you should take your German cat to a regular pet hospital for inspection and take targeted measures according to the inspection results to alleviate the discomfort caused by hair loss.
- How to care for German cats during shedding
During the shedding period, you need to give the German cat regular baths to remove excess hair. You can also use a brush to comb the hair off, which makes the hair smooth and soft to the touch. If the shedding is severe, you can also feed the German cat some nourishing drugs for the skin and hair to improve the situation.
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