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Big Smell Reasons for German Shepherds

There are many reasons for the big smell of German Shepherds, such as not bathing regularly, oral odor, and not squeezing the anal glands. Few are caused by diseases. If your German Shepherd has a strong smell, you can usually reduce it by giving them regular baths and squeezing their anal glands regularly. If this does not improve, it is best to go to the hospital for inspection and treatment.

Big Smell Reasons for German Shepherds

Not giving your dog regular baths is the direct cause of body odor. Food debris easily gets stuck in the dog's teeth when they eat, and if not cleaned in time, it will rot and smell. Additionally, if you don't clean your dog's ears regularly, it can also cause body odor. Another factor is not squeezing the anal glands, which can lead to black or dark brown liquid, or even泥状物, with a foul smell.

What to Do About a Big Smell in German Shepherds

The areas prone to strong dog odor include the mouth, ears, and limbs. Each area requires specific measures to reduce the smell. To remove mouth odor, you can give your dog some dental water or similar products to help clean their mouth. For ear odor, regularly clean your dog's ears. To deal with limb odor, trim your dog's foot hair regularly and give them baths. You can also ask for help from a pet store to squeeze the anal glands during bath time.

Points to Note for Big Smell in German Shepherds

Owners should find the cause of their dog's body odor and adopt corresponding elimination methods. If your dog has body odor due to not bathing for a long time, give them a bath promptly. If the odor is caused by inflamed anal glands, promptly squeeze the anal glands and give them anti-inflammatory drugs. If your dog has skin diseases such as fungal skin disease or ear mites, treat them promptly and regularly deworm your dog.