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How Dangerous is Cat Distemper at Each Stage?

The duration of cat distemper is relatively long, with the acute exacerbation period generally lasting 7 days. Within these 7 days, days 3 to 5 are considered the most dangerous. Cat distemper, also known as feline panleukopenia, clinically manifests as diarrhea, vomiting, and persistently decreasing white blood cells. If the white blood cells continue to decrease, it can lead to severe bacterial infections, exacerbating the clinical symptoms of cat distemper and even threatening the cat's life. Treatment generally involves antiviral drugs, controlling secondary infections, and necessary supportive treatments such as correcting acid-base and ion disorders. In some cases, blood transfusions for cats may be considered.

  1. How Do Cats Contract Cat Distemper?

Through environmental transmission

The virus is secreted or excreted by sick cats through urine, feces, mucus, and other secretions. The virus can survive in the environment for a relatively long time. Even cats that have recovered from the disease can continue to excrete the virus for more than a year. Moreover, infected cats can also spread the virus through blood-sucking insects such as fleas, lice, and flies.

Maternal transmission

Cat distemper virus can also be transmitted from mother cats to kittens through the uterus. Kittens can be infected with the cat distemper virus at any stage before birth, but the mother cat usually does not show symptoms.

Human transmission

Cat owners can unknowingly bring home the virus on their shoes or clothes when they return from outside. If the cat's health is already poor, infection is likely! Therefore, vaccines are essential!

  1. Treatments for Cat Distemper

  2. During cat distemper treatment, it is essential to keep the cat warm. Cat owners can place a soft blanket in the cat's bed and use a warm water bottle to keep the cat warm.

  3. If the cat exhibits vomiting symptoms, owners should withhold food. The cat can receive fluid therapy to replenish moisture and medication. If it is not possible to give the cat fluid therapy, feed it regularly with a mixture of 10% glucose solution and saline to help replenish energy and moisture.

  4. Cats can be injected with high-immunity serum containing antibodies against cat distemper virus to treat the disease.

  5. Cats in the recovery stage should be fed small meals frequently, avoiding high-protein, indigestible foods such as eggs, meat, and canned meat. It is better to feed the cat soft or liquid food.

  6. How to Prevent Cat Distemper

  7. Vaccination: The most effective way to prevent cat distemper is vaccination. The commonly referred to "cat triple vaccine" prevents feline distemper, feline herpesvirus, and feline calicivirus.

  8. Disinfection of items: Cat distemper virus can be killed by a temperature of 90°C for more than 10 minutes. Cat items that can withstand high temperatures and can be boiled can be disinfected by boiling.