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How to Fatten a Cat

Regular Deworming

Ensure regular deworming both internally and externally to guarantee nutrient absorption, maintain a steady daily feeding amount, and supplement protein. However, it is not recommended to feed cats too much, as although chubby cats are adorable, they have a higher risk of developing related diseases, and obesity puts greater pressure on their bones and joints. Therefore, keeping your cat at a healthy weight is sufficient. Rational feeding and ensuring adequate exercise are the most scientific ways to control your cat's weight.

When Your Cat refuses to Eat

If your cat refuses to eat, observe its mental state, appetite, and stool situation. If the cat is energetic and has normal stools, you can try feeding it tasty snacks to stimulate its appetite and see if it's due to picky eating. If the cat has poor appetite or abnormal stools, it's advised to take it to the vet for a checkup. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment can be carried out to avoid delaying the condition.

Symptoms of Cat Malnutrition

The most common symptoms of malnutrition are外在瘦弱和贫血,导致猫的口鼻皮肤和黏膜显得较苍白。同时,猫咪的营养不良可能还会表现在毛发状态上,营养不良的猫咪毛发会变得粗糙、无光泽、大量掉毛等。营养不良还可能引起猫咪出现肠胃不适,出现经常呕吐、腹泻、便秘等症状。

What to Feed a Malnourished Cat

When a cat is malnourished, owners can feed it meat such as chicken breast, beef, and fish, four to five times a week. You can also mix cat food with cat cans. In addition to feeding meat to supplement nutrients, owners should also feed their cats nutritional supplements, such as lamb milk, vitamin supplements, and other easily digestible nutrients. Regular deworming is also necessary to prevent parasite infections that can exacerbate malnutrition.