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How to Treat Demodex Mites in Dogs
Dog demodex mites require diagnosis through microscope examination, and treatment generally includes oral medication, injectable agents, and medicated baths. After diagnosis, dogs are usually given emergency deworming with brands such as Niclosan, Superdog, and Bevotyl, followed by injection of ivermectin. Additionally, pets can be treated with medicated baths using pet shampoos or dimetridazine with demodex-repelling effects. Note that the treatment cycle for demodex mites is long and prone to recurrent infections, so it is essential to continue administering medication to your dog.
- Oral Drug Treatment for Demodex Mites
After confirming the presence of demodex mites, dogs can be given oral deworming drugs such as Niclosan, Superdog, or Bevotyl for emergency external deworming. Additionally, feeding dogs with some vitamin B can help protect the skin barrier.
- Injection Treatment for Demodex Mites
It is recommended to use 0.2-0.4 milliliters of ivermectin, with injections repeated at intervals of 6 to 7 days for a total of 5 treatment courses. When using ivermectin, choose an appropriate dose under the guidance of a doctor to avoid dog poisoning due to overdose.
- Medicated Bath Treatment for Demodex Mites
The most effective way to treat demodex mites is to combine drug administration with medicated baths. Owners can use demodex-repelling shampoos or dimetridazine to give their dogs medicated baths, with intervals of about 2 days between baths. Continue this process until the dog's symptoms improve. Note that the dosage of dimetridazine should be strictly followed from the instructions and never use it blindly.