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Hard lumps on the head of a kitten
Hard lumps on the head of a kitten may be caused by mosquito bites, bruises, furuncles, ringworm, sebaceous cysts, and other reasons. They can be improved through general treatment, medication, and surgery, which are beneficial for the disappearance of local lumps and the restoration of the local skin surface. If the condition worsens, it is recommended that the owner take the kitten to the hospital for a detailed examination to identify the cause and further treat it.
- Mosquito bites
If the scalp is bitten by mosquitoes, it can cause local swelling and hardness, and patients need to follow the doctor's advice to use corticosteroid cream for treatment.
- Bruises
If the skin of the head is bumped, it can cause damage to the local soft tissues, leading to swelling and pain, and also cause hard lumps. It is necessary to follow the doctor's advice to take blood-activating and pain-relieving drugs.
- Furuncles
Mainly caused by Staphylococcus aureus infection, it is an acute suppurative inflammation. After infection, local skin lumps may occur, and the texture is relatively hard. It usually occurs in the face and neck, and patients need to follow the doctor's advice to take antibiotic drugs.
- Ringworm
It is a type of skin disease caused by fungal infection. After infection, the hair follicles may be blocked, causing hard lumps, accompanied by itching and pain. Patients need to follow the doctor's advice to take antifungal drugs.
- Sebaceous cyst
It is a benign skin lesion formed by the gradual accumulation of sebum. It occurs mainly on the head and back, and the cyst is relatively hard. As the cyst continues to enlarge, it may rupture, and surgery is required under a doctor's guidance to remove the cyst.
During treatment, care should be taken to maintain good hygiene of the affected skin. The skin should not be touched with water for a short period of time, as this can easily lead to infection and affect the recovery of the disease.