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Can kittens eat freeze-dried food?

Kittens over three months old can eat freeze-dried food, but if they are younger than three months, they should not eat freeze-dried food. This is because before three months of age, kittens' gastrointestinal functions are not stable enough, and feeding them freeze-dried food can easily cause indigestion and diarrhea. In daily care, owners should also properly control the amount of freeze-dried food fed to their cats, not using it as a main dish and avoiding feeding it too frequently to prevent picky eating.

When can cats eat freeze-dried food?

Cats over three months old can eat freeze-dried food. This is because before three months, kittens' milk teeth have not yet been replaced, and their gastrointestinal system has not fully developed. Eating freeze-dried food can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort or diseases, and kittens under three months have not completed their vaccination series, making them more susceptible to viral infections. It is recommended to use milk cake for kittens under three months, which has high nutritional value and will not cause long-term use of freeze-dried food to lead to malnutrition in cats.

How much freeze-dried food can a cat eat in a day?

It is not recommended to feed freeze-dried food to cats every day. Instead, feeding 2-3 times a week is sufficient. Feeding cats freeze-dried food every day can easily lead them to only eat freeze-dried food and refuse cat food and other foods, causing malnutrition. Additionally, suddenly giving cats a large amount of freeze-dried food can cause indigestion and gastrointestinal discomfort. Therefore, freeze-dried food should only be used as a regular snack for cats and not as a substitute for main dishes.

What happens if a cat eats too much freeze-dried food?

  1. Eating too much freeze-dried food may cause indigestion in cats, as freeze-dried food is mostly pure meat, and too much consumption can increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

  2. Eating too much freeze-dried food may lead to picky eating in cats, as they tend to prefer meat. Feeding cats freeze-dried food frequently may cause them to refuse cat food.

  3. Eating too much freeze-dried food may also lead to malnutrition in cats. Although freeze-dried food is rich in nutrients, it cannot fully meet cats' nutritional needs. Eating too much may affect their health.