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How long does the Labrador puppy's teething period last?

The teething period for a Labrador puppy may last about 20 days or so. This is because when the puppy is growing its milk teeth, its gums will itch, causing it to like biting things. Owners can buy some slightly softer chew toys for their puppies to chew on, which will help alleviate the discomfort. Avoid buying too hard ones to prevent hurting the gums. The duration of the teething period varies from dog to dog, with individual differences. Generally, the milk teeth are replaced with permanent teeth between 4-6 months, and the whole process takes about 2 months.

When can a dog eat a teething bone?

A dog can start eating teething bones when it is 3-4 months old. This is because the dog starts teething at around 3-4 months, and they will particularly enjoy biting things during this time. Owners can choose suitable teething bones for their dogs to chew on. Teething bones not only help dogs with their teething but also remove plaque from their mouths, preventing doggy breath caused by tartar.

What kind of bone should be used for teething?

It is not recommended to use bones for dog teething because many bones are too hard. When chewed, the bones become sharp and dangerous, easily scratching the dog's intestines. If the intestine is scratched, the bone can get stuck and require emergency surgery, which is harmful to the dog's health. If a dog needs to chew on something, owners can buy teething bones from licensed pet stores or veterinary hospitals.

What's the best thing to use for teething?

During their teething period, Labrador owners need to provide their puppies with specialized teething tools, or else their household items may be destroyed. There are many types of teething tools on the market, such as dog chew toys, teething ropes, and teething bones. Owners can also make teething bones themselves, such as choosing a large pig bone or other animal bones for their dogs to chew on.