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How big can a Maine Cat grow?

The Maine Cat has a larger body size than the Ragdoll Cat. The Maine Cat is the largest cat breed in the world, with an adult weight of over 7 kilograms. Not only is the Maine Cat large in size, but it is also robust and has a majestic aura. The Maine Cat's expression always looks serious, even a bit fierce, but in reality, it is very affectionate and doesn't struggle when held by its owner, making it very docile.

Maine Kitten Characteristics

Maine Kitten Physical Features: Middle face shape, high ear position, large ears, wide eye distance, and M-shaped tabby on the forehead. The Maine Cat is a large-bodied breed, robust, with large and round paws. The coat is smooth and layered, with soft, fine fur on the underside, and long, dense hair on the back and legs. The tail's hair spreads out like feathers. There is a hair collar around the neck. Purebred Maine Cats must have black eye rings and black lips.

What to Feed Maine Cats to Make Them Bigger

Maine Cats can be fed meat or high-protein cat food to obtain enough protein, providing ample nutrition for growth. Feeding regular cat food may lead to insufficient protein intake for Maine Cats. Since Maine Cats are large-bodied, their appetite may be 2 to 4 times larger than that of ordinary cats, requiring more expenditure on their diet.

When Do Maine Cats Start to Grow Rapidly?

Maine Cats begin to grow rapidly at three months old. This stage requires adequate nutrition supplementation, such as high-protein substances and calcium. Meanwhile, increased exercise can also improve bone and body development. During this period, Maine Cats may enter a awkward stage, looking somewhat ugly. Adding fish oil and hair-growing supplements to their diet can help promote shinier and smoother fur.