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What should a mother cat eat to have enough milk?

A mother cat can eat high-protein foods such as carp soup, chicken soup, and goat milk to ensure sufficient milk production. When making carp soup or chicken soup for the mother cat, be sure not to add any seasonings. It's also important to timely supplement calcium for the postpartum cat to prevent low calcium levels. Usually, the reason for insufficient milk production in a postpartum cat may be due to a large number of kittens, inadequate nutrition, or being scared, etc. It is necessary to address the issue promptly to help the mother cat recover from milk production.

Firstly, factors such as a large number of kittens, inadequate nutrition, or being scared can lead to insufficient milk production in a mother cat. You can prepare carp soup, chicken soup, goat milk, and other protein-rich foods to help the mother cat produce milk. You can also add nutritional supplements to the cat's food to boost its nutrition. Simultaneously, supplement vitamins and trace elements to enhance the cat's immunity. Feed the cat in small meals frequently to aid in the absorption of nutrients.

Secondly, you can feed the mother cat with pregnancy-specific or kitten food, which contains high levels of nutrients to help supplement the cat's diet. When the cat has insufficient milk, you can massage and apply heat to the cat's breasts to promote the unblocking of milk ducts and increase milk production. Additionally, the cat may experience low calcium levels after delivery, typically exhibiting symptoms like shivering, vomiting, and panting. In this case, take the cat to a pet hospital for treatment and reduce the frequency of nursing the kittens.

Lastly, if the mother cat has insufficient milk, you can resort to artificial feeding. Choose specialized pet goat milk formula and feed the kittens every two hours. Artificial stimulation may also be needed to help the kittens defecate. Since kittens have weak bodies, it's essential to keep them warm. You can use electric blankets, wool blankets, or other warming items. When handling the kittens, it's better to wear gloves to avoid the mother cat from rejecting the kittens due to different smells.