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Big Belly in Kitten
A big belly in a kitten may be caused by overfeeding, internal parasite infection, feline infectious peritonitis, or other reasons. First, if the belly is hard and the kitten is not significantly affected, it may be due to overeating or eating too fast. In this case, the owner can fasting the kitten for a day and feed it适量 probiotics to promote digestion. Secondly, if the kitten's belly is large but its body is thin, it may have a large number of internal parasites and require timely deworming. Lastly, if the kitten is lethargic, has poor appetite, and has a noticeable wave sensation when gently tapped on the belly, it may have feline infectious peritonitis and needs immediate medical attention.
- Overfeeding and eating too fast
Kittens' organs are not fully developed and they don't have a sense of satiety. If they eat too much or too fast, food accumulation in the intestines can cause bloating and a large belly. In this situation, it is recommended to fasting the cat for a day and feed it适量 probiotics to help digest the food. Also, let the kitten exercise more to enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis. If the kitten's belly deflates, it means it was just temporarily overfed. Feed the kitten in small meals to avoid this in the future.
- Internal parasite infection
If the kitten has a large belly but a thin body, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and even visible worms in vomit and stool, it is likely to have a large number of internal parasites. In this case, it is recommended to take the kitten to the pet hospital for a fecal examination and use safe and effective deworming drugs.
- Feline infectious peritonitis
If the kitten's belly suddenly becomes large and has a noticeable wave sensation when gently tapped, and bones can be felt in other parts of the body, it is suspected to be caused by feline infectious peritonitis. Immediately take the kitten to a nearby pet hospital for treatment, the earlier the better for the chances of recovery.