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What's going on when a cat makes a long cry?

A cat's long cry may be due to physical discomfort or injury. When a cat is uncomfortable or hurt, its cry will become longer. If the cat is suddenly scared, its cry will become longer and smaller, and when the cat is threatened, it will lower and lengthen its voice to scare the opponent. Additionally, the cat may also make this sound when it feels bored or upset.

Why do cats like to cry?

It could be that the cat is in heat and emits a cry to attract the opposite sex or to alleviate its own discomfort. Cats are particularly uncomfortable during their heat period. It's also possible that the cat is hungry or wants to eat snacks, so it emits a cry to express its needs. The cat may also cry to show affection and ask for petting, indicating a good relationship between you and the cat.

What to do if the cat keeps crying?

If the cat's cry is weak and lethargic, it may be sick and unwilling to move. Its indigo eyes may also lose their shine. In this case, take the cat to the pet hospital immediately. If the cat is crying due to hunger, prepare some food for it. Once it's full, it will soon quiet down. When a cat is in heat, it will keep crying to attract the attention of the opposite sex. This is a physiological phenomenon that cannot be avoided, and the cat will stop crying after a while.

What if the cat keeps crying after mating?

First, determine if the cat's cry is due to heat or normal vocalization. If the cat is still in heat after mating, it may be because the mating was not successful. Generally, if the cat is successful in mating, it will ovulate, and the sperm will combine with the egg, implanting in the uterus. After pregnancy occurs, the cat will not go into heat again.