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What are the symptoms of parvovirus in dogs and how to treat it?
Parvovirus infection is a highly fatal disease in dogs, with main symptoms including frequent vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. As the virus content increases, severe intestinal damage, bloody stools, and pancreatitis may occur later. Treatment mainly involves the use of antiviral drugs such as monoclonal antibodies, serums, interferons, antibacterials, and drugs to improve symptoms such as anti-emetic and anti-diarrheal agents, and intestinal mucosal protectants.
Why do dogs get parvovirus?
Parvovirus is a highly contagious disease with a high degree of contact transmission, and its mortality rate in dogs is very high. Dogs of all ages can be infected, but those between weaning and 90 days old are more susceptible to the disease. Infection requires three conditions: contact with sick pets or their excrement; dogs with weak resistance, such as young puppies or dogs with malnutrition, are easily infected; and incomplete or failed vaccination.
What are the symptoms of parvovirus in dogs?
In the early stages of a dog's parvovirus infection, mild diarrhea symptoms appear. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more severe, and the dog may also refuse to eat, vomit continuously, become lethargic, have bloody stools, and have a low body temperature. Once a dog owner discovers that their dog has parvovirus, they should first fasting the dog for a day to empty the harmful waste in its body and then provide it with anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrheal treatment.
How to treat parvovirus symptoms in dogs?
Canine parvovirus clinically manifests as enteritis and myocarditis. Enteritis is characterized by severe vomiting, hemorrhagic diarrhea, dehydration, significant decrease in white blood cells, and necrotic enteritis. Myocarditis is characterized by acute non-suppurative myocarditis. The treatment principles are symptomatic treatment, fluid therapy, and specific treatment. Corresponding anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, anti-emetic, and electrolyte balance correcting drugs can be selected according to the symptoms, and it is recommended to choose specific drugs for treating parvovirus.