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What are the reasons for a cat vomiting white liquid?

Cat vomiting white liquid may be caused by poisoning, foreign body obstruction, hair ball syndrome, gastroenteritis, feline distemper, or other reasons. As the treatment plans for different causes are not entirely the same, it is recommended that owners take their cats to a pet hospital as soon as possible for related disease screening when they find their cats vomiting white liquid. Then, according to the examination results, symptomatic treatment measures should be taken to avoid delaying the disease.

  1. Poisoning

If the cat is vomiting white liquid along with symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, seizures, drooling, and cyanosed conjunctiva, it is likely poisoned. This is a serious situation, and it is recommended that the owner consult a pet doctor promptly. Emergency vomiting induction should be performed first, and then the cat should be taken to the pet hospital for treatment such as gastric washing, enema, and fluid infusion.

  1. Foreign Body Obstruction

If the cat accidentally ingests a foreign object and has difficulty swallowing, it may vomit white mucus. In this case, it is recommended that the owner take the cat to a pet hospital for radiological examination to determine the nature of the foreign object. If necessary, surgery may be required to remove the object.

  1. Hair Ball Syndrome

If the white liquid vomited by the cat contains hair, it may be the cat vomiting a hair ball. If it is not much, the owner can feed the cat a hair removal gel to help the cat expel the hair ball. If the cat vomits hair balls frequently, has a poor mental state, and shows no appetite, the owner should take the cat to a pet hospital for inspection and treatment.

  1. Gastroenteritis

If a cat has gastroenteritis, it will have symptoms such as vomiting, severe abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. It may also exhibit depression, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. As there are many causes of feline gastroenteritis, such as eating spoiled food, changes in weather, and sudden changes in diet, it is recommended that the owner take the cat to a pet hospital as soon as possible after noticing the above symptoms. Then, specific treatment should be given according to the cause.

  1. Feline Distemper

If the cat has vomiting along with symptoms such as diarrhea, hemorrhagic bowel, lethargy, abnormal body temperature, etc., it is suspected of having feline distemper. Because feline distemper is a highly contagious disease, the owner should take the cat to a pet hospital for treatment as soon as possible once an abnormality is detected.同时,对周围的环境进行彻底的消毒处理,越早治疗治愈的几率越高。