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What are the symptoms of feline urinary tract blockage?

Feline urinary tract blockage can cause vomiting, decreased appetite, and bladder enlargement. This is mainly due to the cat's stress response causing them to unwillingly urinate, which leads to the formation of stones as urine accumulates in the urinary tract for an extended period. It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention after urinary tract blockage, as delay can cause钾回流至肾脏,导致高血钾 and rapid death.

What age of cats are prone to urinary tract blockage?

Cats of all ages can suffer from urinary tract blockage, but adult and senior cats have a higher risk. The occurrence of urinary tract blockage in cats is mainly related to their diet and drinking habits, urinary tract infections, and congenital urinary tract狭窄. Once urinary tract blockage occurs, timely treatment is essential, as otherwise, it can lead to acute kidney failure, bladder rupture, or even death.

How long does it take for a cat to recover from urinary tract blockage?

If the urinary tract blockage is caused by small stones, the pressure in the urinary tract may dislodge the stones. However, the specific time is unknown. Clinically, urinary tract blockage due to stones usually cannot recover spontaneously and requires immediate intervention at a pet hospital, such as catheterization and irrigation of the urinary tract. Long-term urinary tract blockage can cause hydronephrosis and even kidney failure.

How to care for cats with urinary tract blockage?

After a cat suffers a urinary tract blockage, it is essential to increase their water intake. You can add water to canned food, feed wet food, and provide multiple drinking options, such as pet-specific moving water devices. Choose suitable cat litter with minimal dust, reduce stimulation, and feed prescription diet for the urinary tract to reduce inflammation. Offer cats interest-driven toys and increase their exercise level.