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What causes a puppy's leg to shake?

A puppy's leg shaking may be caused by nervousness, fear, or cold weather. This type of leg shaking is physiological and will naturally disappear when the nervousness is alleviated or the warmth is provided. However, if the puppy's leg shakes for a long time, it could be due to factors such as calcium deficiency, poisoning, or leg injuries. This type of leg shaking is pathological, and it is recommended to take the puppy to a pet hospital promptly to check and treat the condition accordingly.

  1. Nervousness and fear

If a puppy has just moved to a new home and is not adapted to the environment, it may feel nervous and scared, resulting in shaking. In this case, the owner needs to comfort the puppy and help it familiarize itself with the home environment. Once the puppy becomes accustomed to the environment, the symptoms will improve.

  1. Cold weather

Puppies have weak resistance, and in winter, they may experience leg shaking due to cold weather. The owner can observe whether the weather is indeed cold, and if the dog only shakes and has no other symptoms, it may be caused by the cold. In this case, the owner can dress the dog and take care of its warmth to prevent the dog from catching a cold.

  1. Calcium deficiency

The symptoms of calcium deficiency in puppies are leg deformities and prolonged shaking, along with reduced appetite, poor digestion, gradual weight loss, slow growth, and others. This is usually caused by a long-term单一的饮食或营养不良。If this is the case, it is recommended to provide the dog with a reasonable diet, maintain balanced nutrition intake, feed it appropriately with meat or bone meal, and substances that promote calcium absorption, such as vitamins. It is also helpful to expose the dog to more sunlight and exercise to help it replenish calcium.

  1. Poisoning

If a puppy has symptoms of shaking legs, as well as foaming at the mouth and seizures, it may be poisoned. The owner needs to induce vomiting promptly and take the dog to a nearby pet hospital for treatment. If not treated promptly, the dog may face life-threatening risks.

  1. Leg injury

If a puppy's leg is injured, pain can cause it to shake and appear lethargic. The owner can carefully examine the dog's leg to see if there are any wounds. If there are wounds, they should be cleaned and disinfected. If there are no wounds but the dog shows obvious pain when pressing on the leg, it could be a fracture, and it is best to take the dog to a pet hospital for treatment promptly.