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What's the cause of a dog vomiting white foam?

Dog vomiting white foam may be due to causes such as indigestion, poisoning, gastroenteritis, and infectious diseases. Additionally, if the dog is young or has not completed its vaccination schedule, it may be infected with contagious diseases. In this case, it is recommended that the owner promptly take the dog to a pet hospital for infectious disease screening, and then treat it according to the examination results to avoid delaying the diagnosis.

  1. Indigestion

If the white foam vomited by the dog contains food debris and the dog even wants to eat back the vomited food, it indicates that the dog may have eaten too much or too quickly, and its stomach and intestines did not have time to digest. This causes the dog to vomit. In this case, the owner can first fasting the dog for half a day or a day and feed the dog some probiotics to promote digestion.

  1. Poisoning

If the dog accidentally ingests toxic substances, such as rat poison, cockroach poison, or toilet cleaner, it will exhibit symptoms such as foaming at the mouth, seizures, rapid breathing, eye tremors, and unstable walking. In severe cases, the dog may become unconscious or even die. Therefore, if the above symptoms are found, the dog should be taken to the pet hospital immediately to determine the specific toxicity, and then choose the corresponding antidote for treatment. If necessary, vomiting or gastric lavage therapy may be required.

  1. Gastroenteritis

When a dog contracts gastroenteritis, due to inflammation of the digestive organs, the dog will vomit white foam and exhibit symptoms such as depression, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain. In this case, the dog should be fasting and given intravenous therapy. If food is given rashly, it may cause vomiting and diarrhea. The dog can only eat after the inflammation subsides and when it stops vomiting and diarrhea. However, it is necessary to note that the dog should be fed in small amounts and frequently.

  1. Infectious diseases

If a young dog that has not been vaccinated vomits white foam, it is suspected of contracting contagious diseases such as distemper, parvovirus, and coronavirus. As the disease progresses, the dog may also exhibit symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, seizures, and bloody stools.

In this situation, the dog should be taken to the pet hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible, as the dog's life may be at risk.