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What's the matter with a kitten's stomach growling?

A kitten's stomach growling may be caused by hunger, enteritis, parasites, and other reasons. In addition, it may also be due to indigestion or stress reactions causing stomach noises, especially for young kittens who are easily stressed. Therefore, when the owner discovers that the kitten has a growling stomach, they should carefully observe the kitten's emotions and not give them too much mental stress. If the kitten shows other abnormal behaviors, consult a pet doctor in time.

  1. Hunger caused

When a kitten is hungry, its stomach will make growling sounds. Therefore, the owner should feed the kitten on time daily, usually 2-3 times. Do not let the kitten experience hunger and overeating, which can damage the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Enteritis caused

Kittens with enteritis not only have growling stomachs but also vomit, have diarrhea, and show poor appetite. Due to their poor immune system, they may even experience dehydration and shock in severe cases. It is recommended to take the cat to the pet hospital for IV treatment as soon as possible.

  1. Parasites caused

If the owner does not give the kitten regular deworming, it is prone to parasite infections. When the parasites move in the cat's stomach and intestines, they produce stomach growling sounds. Therefore, the owner should regularly deworm the cat, usually once every three months for internal deworming and once a month for external deworming. In addition, if the cat has symptoms of growling stomach, vomiting, worm excrement in stool, weight loss, and poor appetite, it could be due to parasites.

  1. stomach noises

Since a kitten's gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function has not fully developed, if its diet structure is unreasonable or the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function is disrupted, it will result in stomach gas, causing stomach growling sounds. In this case, the owner needs to feed the kitten with pet-specific probiotics to regulate the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function.

Additionally, kittens also experience stress reactions that cause stomach growling. In this case, it is recommended not to disturb or scare them, let them be quiet on their own.