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What does a cat with long ear mites look like?

A cat with long ear mites usually exhibits symptoms such as skin redness in the ear canal, itching, and shaking its head. Typically, the ear canal of a cat infected with ear mites contains brown or black waxy-like exudates, accompanied by a foul smell. Severe ear mite infections can lead to middle ear inflammation, ear hematomas, and even deafness. Common treatments for ear mites in cats include medications containing sulfate neomycin and polyeneomycin. Cleaning the cat's ears before applying medication usually yields better results.

Firstly, after a cat develops long ear mites, the ear canal secretions increase, usually presenting as brown or black waxy-like substances. The cat usually exhibits frequent head shaking, red skin in the ear canal, and itching. Due to the intense itching caused by ear mites, the cat may frequently scratch its ears, so it is necessary to fit the cat with an Elizabethan collar to prevent the ears from being damaged.

Secondly, the drugs used to treat ear mites in cats mainly include those containing sulfate neomycin, polyeneomycin, and other ingredients, such as Earfluid. Usual treatment involves first cleaning the cat's ears with earwash to remove the secretions in the ear canal, and then applying the medication. When cleaning the ear canal secretions, be gentle to avoid hurting the cat's ears. Additionally, ear mites are contagious, so if you have multiple cats at home, they should be isolated and the living environment should be disinfected regularly.

Lastly, during daily cat care, it is necessary to regularly deworm and clean the cat's ears. Under normal circumstances, cats need to have their ears cleaned once or twice a week. Ear mites are parasites that live in the cat's ear canal, so timely deworming can also prevent ear mite infections to some extent. Common drugs for treating and preventing cat ear mites mainly contain selenium sulfide and other ingredients. The specific use of medication should be supervised by a doctor.