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What to do if your dog's urethra is inflamed
Treatment options for inflamed dog urethra
Inflamed dog urethras can be treated with long-acting antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. You can use amoxicillin and clavulanate combined with mucosal protectant sulfadoxine, but please note that there may be drug resistance and bacterial resistance during use; it is recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up to determine the cause of the urinary tract infection, and then choose the specific antibiotic. If there is no response to antibiotics, it is advised to do a sensitivity test.
Urethritis treatment
Dog urethritis generally manifests as painful and difficult urination, redness and swelling of the urethral opening, and thick, sticky urethral secretions. It is recommended to take your dog to a pet hospital, where the pet doctor can guide you in giving the dog timely pain relief, anti-inflammatory and diuretic drugs, cleaning the urethra, and preventing secondary infections. In addition, owners should also pay attention to cleaning their dogs' external genitalia promptly.
What to check for with urethritis
If the owner finds that there is a discharge in the dog's urine, they should take the dog to the hospital immediately for a microscope examination and urine test, as well as a urine specific gravity test. This will help identify the impurities in the urine. Additionally, a complete blood count should be done to check the body's inflammation indicators. Since dogs are prone to urinary stones, owners should also undergo an abdominal ultrasound to detect any stones and proceed with targeted treatment.
Precautions for urethritis
For male dogs, owners can squeeze out the pus daily and purchase sterile saline and topical antibiotics to wash and apply to the dog. For unspayed female dogs, owners should also consider the possibility of uterine infection and it is recommended to take the dog to a pet hospital for examination and treatment. During treatment, ensure that the dog wears an Elizabethan collar to prevent them from licking and biting the affected area.