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What to do if your dog is choking and not eating

Recent consumption of foreign objects: Consider whether your dog has recently eaten bones, toys, or other items that may be lodged in their throat. If the object is small and can be easily removed, do so carefully. However, for deeper or more damaging objects, it's best to take your dog to the vet for treatment.

Causes of choking

  1. Foreign objects: Did your dog recently eat bones, toys, or other items that may be stuck in their throat?
  2. Respiratory tract infections: Bacteria, viruses, and common colds can all cause coughing, giving the sensation of a blocked throat. Check and treat accordingly.
  3. Abnormal organ function: This often occurs in older dogs. If persistent coughing, antibiotics, cough medication, and injections don't help, consider problems with the heart or lungs.

Symptoms of foreign object stuck in throat

Your dog may exhibit the following signs if they're choking:

  1. Coughing, excessive drooling, frequent licking of the mouth, possible bleeding from the mouth, and激烈反应于触诊喉部.
  2. Vomiting if the object is lodged in the esophagus, especially after eating or drinking. Severe cases may exhibit shortness of breath.

How to handle a choking dog

  1. Lubricate the throat and use tweezers or other tools to carefully remove the object, avoiding injury to the esophageal mucosa.
  2. Take your dog to the vet, where they'll assess the dog's condition and perform surgery to cut open the esophagus and remove the object. This method has a greater impact on the dog and may prevent them from eating for the next few days. Nutrition will be supplied through intravenous fluids.