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What to do if your dog is sick and refuses to eat

Illness and loss of appetite

When a dog is sick and has inflammation, it can lead to a decrease or complete loss of appetite, especially with digestive tract inflammation. It is recommended to feed the dog with food that cats like, or with high-palatability canned food. You can also inject appetite-enhancing drugs at a pet hospital, but only if the dog is not vomiting. Finally, actively treating the illness can fundamentally restore the dog's appetite.

Symptoms of illness

Here are some possible symptoms of a sick dog: lack of energy, low spirits, loss of appetite, increased body temperature, eye abnormalities, dry nose, difficulty defecating. The dog may vomit more than twice in 12 hours, drink frequently and urinate more, show pain when touched, become angry when stroked, have diarrhea, and drool.

Treatment of inflammation

It is best to check the level of inflammation when treating inflammation, so as to choose the appropriate antibiotic. If the inflammation is too high, it is recommended to use a better antibiotic. If conditions permit, inflammation indicators should be tested daily for comparison. Some antibiotics have a slower efficacy, so it is necessary to monitor the inflammation indicators to determine whether the antibiotic needs to be changed.

Hazards of not eating

When a dog stops eating, it is because of physical discomfort, and the owner should take it to a pet hospital for diagnosis and treatment promptly. Not eating for 2-3 days can cause damage to the dog's organs. The dog needs to be given intravenous fluids to replenish nutrients and eliminate the cause of the illness. A dog that doesn't eat not only lacks energy but can also develop dehydration, hypoglycemia, low blood pressure, and even die in severe cases.