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What should I do if my dog's paws turn red?

A dog's paws turning red may be caused by interdigital inflammation, trauma, skin diseases, and other factors. If the owner is unable to determine the specific reason for their dog's red paws, they should not blindly give their dog medication. The best course of action is to take the dog to a pet hospital first to identify the cause, and then develop a specific treatment plan. This prevents the dog's paws from becoming even more swollen and red due to medication errors.

  1. Interdigital inflammation

Interdigital inflammation is one of the common causes of red paws in dogs. Dogs with interdigital inflammation will have red paws, as well as swollen, painful, hot, and swollen soles. In severe cases, the dog may even develop lameness. Owners need to promptly adopt anti-infective treatment, such as using medications containing cefazolin. At the same time, proper interdigital care should be taken to keep the area dry and clean. If the infection has become abscessed and ulcerated, the pus needs to be cleaned out and the infected area disinfected.

  1. Trauma

If a dog gets into a fight with another dog, causing leg injuries, or scratches itself on a hard object, causing nail skin damage, or overworks itself, causing leg abrasions that become inflamed, their paws may become red and swollen. In this case, the owner can first observe the severity of the dog's injury at home. If it's not serious, they can use diluted hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the affected area and apply or spray antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications. If the dog's condition is more severe, it is recommended to take the dog to a pet hospital for examination and treatment.

  1. Skin diseases

If a dog lives in a dark, damp, and dirty place for a long time, they may develop skin diseases caused by bacterial and fungal infections, which can cause redness and swelling of the paws and changes in the color of the fur. If this is the case, the owner needs to take the dog to a pet hospital as soon as possible to confirm the pathogen and consult the doctor for medication treatment.