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What to do when a 10-day-old kitten has diarrhea

A 10-day-old kitten is still in the nursing period, and diarrhea is a very dangerous situation. You should immediately take it to a pet hospital for a virus screening. If it is confirmed that the kitten is infected with feline distemper virus, parvovirus, etc., antibiotics and antiviral drugs should be used for treatment. If it is caused by internal inflammation, antibiotics should be used promptly. Meanwhile, you can feed the kitten softened milk cake food and combine some probiotics in its diet.

  1. Firstly, a 10-day-old kitten has not been vaccinated and has a weak resistance. Once diarrhea occurs, it is best to take it to the hospital immediately to check if it is infected with contagious diseases such as feline distemper. The mortality rate of these diseases is very high, and they are even more dangerous for young kittens. After diagnosis, it is not recommended for owners to treat the kitten at home themselves. It is better to send it to the hospital for treatment.

  2. Secondly, the gastrointestinal tract of a 10-day-old kitten is very fragile, and it is more susceptible to intestinal stress and bacterial infections, resulting in gastroenteritis and other diseases. This requires treatment with antibiotics. On the other hand, if there are inflammatory factors in the mother cat's body, they will enter the tissue with blood and be absorbed by the kitten, causing physical abnormalities. It is recommended not to let the mother cat continue breastfeeding temporarily.

  3. Finally, improper feeding can also cause diarrhea in kittens, such as eating excessive food and having unclean daily diet and water. If diarrhea is caused by diseases other than infectious diseases, you can give the kitten pet probiotics and kaolin under the guidance of a doctor to regulate the gastrointestinal tract.