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What's going on when a cat vomits yellow liquid?

Vomiting yellow liquid in cats can be caused by various reasons, including improper feeding, abdominal cold, hairball syndrome, parasite infection, viral or bacterial infection, and internal organ problems. For example:

  1. Improper feeding:
  • Prolonged hunger
  • Eating expired or spoiled food
  • Overeating or eating too fast These can all stimulate the cat's stomach and cause vomiting of yellow liquid. It is recommended to feed the cat glucose or nutritional paste to regulate the stomach, and observe the cat's condition to see if there are any other abnormalities. Always pay attention to feeding the cat on time and in small amounts, and carefully check the quality of the food.
  1. Abdominal cold:
  • Some cats like to sleep on the floor
  • If the temperature is low, it can cause the cat's abdominal cold This can lead to vomiting of yellow liquid. So when the weather turns cool, owners should remember to keep their cats warm.
  1. Hairball syndrome:
  • Cats lick their bodies daily and swallow hair
  • Severe shedding or not cleaning fallen hair promptly can also lead to hairballs Hairballs can accumulate in the stomach and intestines, causing vomiting of yellow liquid. It is recommended to feed the cat hair removal paste or catnip to help remove hairballs.
  1. Parasite infection:
  • If the owner does not give the cat regular deworming or does it inadequately, the cat is prone to infection with internal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms Parasite infections can damage the cat's gastrointestinal mucosa, causing vomiting of yellow liquid. Sometimes, the cat may even vomit live adult parasites. Therefore, deworming the cat regularly is necessary.
  1. Virus infection:
  • When a cat is infected with feline distemper virus or coronavirus, the virus damages the gastric and intestinal epithelial cells The cat will experience vomiting of yellow liquid, along with symptoms such as diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, high fever, and dehydration. Virus infections generally occur in young cats that have not been vaccinated. If the cat shows these symptoms, take it to the vet for virus testing and treatment with antiviral drugs.
  1. Bacterial infection:
  • If a cat has a bacterial infection, it can also cause vomiting of yellow liquid, such as bacterial enteritis In addition to vomiting, the cat may exhibit symptoms such as lethargy, fever, and refusal to eat or drink. A checkup will show a significant increase in white blood cells. If a young cat with a low resistance becomes ill, the condition can be severe, and immediate veterinary treatment is necessary.
  1. Internal organ problems:
  • In elderly cats, vomiting may be caused by renal disease or other internal organ problems Usually, by the time a cat starts vomiting, the condition is already quite severe. It is recommended to consult a professional pet doctor for treatment options.

It should be noted that the severity of vomiting yellow liquid in cats can vary. Owners should closely observe their cats' conditions. If the cat exhibits additional symptoms such as loss of appetite, high fever, diarrhea, etc., it is necessary to seek medical attention and treatment promptly.