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What to feed a 30-day-old puppy after weaning

After weaning at 30 days, it is recommended to feed the puppy with pet-specific goat milk powder. Additionally, you can feed the puppy a small amount of softened weaning milk cake food. Since the digestion of a 30-day-old puppy is relatively fragile, it is advised to follow a feeding principle of fewer but more frequent meals to avoid stimulating the puppy's gastrointestinal tract with a large amount of food, which may cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other abnormal symptoms.

A puppy who has just been weaned at 30 days has weak digestion for solid food, so it is recommended to feed it with pet-specific goat milk powder. The goat milk powder should be diluted with warm boiled water, and cold water or boiling water should not be used, to avoid causing diarrhea or destroying the nutrients in the goat milk powder. Long-term feeding of this type of food may lead to malnutrition.

Moreover, to prolong the gastric emptying time, it is suggested to feed the softened weaning milk cake food, but in small amounts, to avoid increasing the puppy's gastrointestinal burden and causing indigestion or other abnormal symptoms. As the puppy grows older, you can gradually reduce the amount of pet-specific goat milk powder and increase the amount of weaning milk cake food. You can also soak the weaning milk cake food in goat milk powder before feeding it to the puppy.

Feeding the puppy only this type of food can easily lead to intestinal flora disorders, so it is recommended to use pet-specific probiotics in conjunction with the food. If the puppy's symptoms do not improve after taking probiotics, it is advised to bring the puppy to the pet hospital for further inspection and treatment. Puppies have relatively weak immune systems and are prone to viral diseases such as canine parvovirus and distemper. It is essential to disinfect the environment, and always wash your hands thoroughly before touching the puppy after coming home from outside, as well as disinfecting your shoes.