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When can a male cat bebred?
It is recommended that a male cat be bred after it reaches about half a year old, when its body has fully developed and it is more suitable for breeding. The breeding process needs to take into account the size of the female cat, whether it is in heat, and so on. If there is a significant size difference between the male and female cats, breeding may not be successful, or there may be difficulties in giving birth later. Moreover, enough nutrition should be provided to the male cat to improve the quality of its sperm.
When can a male cat be bred?
Usually, cats around 8 months old can be bred, but if the cat's development is slow, it can be delayed. It is recommended to bring the female cat to the male cat's house when it starts to heat (it is not recommended for the male cat to go to the female cat's territory, as the male cat may become nervous due to the change in environment and reduce its breeding willingness). It is better for both cats involved in the breeding to have experience in breeding. The best time for breeding is from February to March and August to September, as this is the breeding season for cats. Cats used for breeding should be well fed to ensure they have good physical condition. Contact between the cats can also be increased 1-2 weeks before breeding to increase their breeding desire.
Signs of male cat heat
The most common behavior of male cats in heat is territorial marking, which includes spraying urine on vertical objects, standing posture, raising the tail, and spraying urine. They may also exhibit messy urination behavior. They will spray urine on furniture or items, which is smelly and difficult to remove. They may also wander away from home, become more aggressive and dominant, and even attack their own family members. They also tend to loudly howl during the night.
What to do when a male cat is in heat
Find a good partner to satisfy the physiological needs of the male cat during heat. If you don't want the male cat to be in heat, it's better to get it neutered as soon as possible before its first heat, as even after neutering, the cat may still exhibit some breeding behaviors. The best way to help a cat through its heat cycle is to use a cat toy or ball to attract its attention, give it extra affection, and offer a variety of cat cans or wet food.