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Why do cats bite their owner's earlobes?
Your cat might bite your earlobe because it wants to get closer to you, attract your attention, smell something particular in your ears, or because it's going through its teething phase. When your cat starts biting your earlobes, it's essential to stop it in time and determine if it's going through its teething phase, as some cats don't know their own strength and might injure your ears. If you accidentally get bitten by your cat and there's skin puncture or bleeding, you should promptly clean and disinfect your ears.
- Wanting to get closer to the owner
Usually, cats aged 3 to 12 months are more affectionate and often want to be close to their owners. If the cat has lived with the owner since it was young, it will likely enjoy licking or rubbing against the owner's body when it's relaxed. Most cats will exhibit milking gestures, and some even mistake the earlobe for their mother's nipple and try to suck on it.
- Wanting to attract the owner's attention
If the owner hasn't played with the cat in a long time or if the cat has a need that requires assistance, it will bite the owner's earlobe to get their attention. In this case, the owner should think about whether they've spent less time interacting with the cat or neglected its needs, and then provide the cat with attention and assistance.
- Smelling certain smells in the owner's ears
Cats are very sensitive to smell. If they detect certain smells in their owner's ears, such as the scent of other cats or smells the cat hates, they will be stimulated to bite the owner's earlobe and try to get closer. When the cat exhibits such behavior, the owner should immediately stop it, as the cat might accidentally injure them. If there's bleeding or skin puncture, the owner should promptly go to the hospital for disinfection and bandaging.
- Going through the teething phase
Cats' teething phase usually occurs between 7 and 12 months. The itchiness caused by the gums and teeth roots can lead to the cat biting randomly or chewing on things. During this period, owners should prepare special chew toys and slowly switch to harder cat food for their cat.